
From Horse to Steam Locomotive

Тип маршрута: Военно-патриотический туризм, Культурно-познавательный туризм
For everyone
1 h. 30 min.
2 objects
Workshop in the traditional Tula ceramic center offers an opportunity to watch Tula craftsmen at work and to contribute to a process. A craftsman will show the basic working practices with material and it will be possible to produce your own handiwork. Tula concertina is one of Tula symbols on a par with Tula gingerbread and Tula samovar. The museum bears the name of Nikolay Beloborodov; that was opened to public in commemoration of the famous Tula resident. The essential invention of Beloborodov was a chromatic concertina. This museum is the only musical museum of Tula region. In the course of the excursion program, there are workshops under the guidance of famous Tula harmonists. In Krapivna museum tourists will get to know the items of peasants’ household, fabrics, clothes, furniture, tools, transport means, dwellings, household outbuildings, that is all that people of that days faced in everyday life. During the excursion, visitors will take part in interactive games representing the national features and household of peasants.
Паровоз ФД
г. Узловая, на вечной стоянке у вокзала "Труду и мужеству железнодорожнков"
Музей истории локомотивного депо станции Узловая Московской железной дороги
Тульская область, Узловской район, г. Узловая, Локомотивное Депо
+7 (48731) 2-23-33, +7 (910) 164-66-44