
Temple of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan

According to legend, on the bank of a small river in the village Turten, a young girl found an icon of the Kazan Mother of God. There was not a church in Tourten, that’s why the icon was sent to the nearest Holy Trinity Church in the village Krugloe on the bank of the beautiful Sword River. But the icon did not once return to the place where it was found. On the site of the phenomenon a chapel was built, on the opposite shore a wooden church was built. Over time, because of the dilapidated wooden church on the opposite mountain, another church was built, from a wild stone (now in its place is an old cemetery). The third, stone, now existing church, was built in 1802 by Prince Peter Ivanovich Odoevsky. Instead of an ancient chapel on the site of the icon, in 1848, thanks to the efforts of the manager of the estates of the Lansky landowner Mikhail Afanasevich Levachov, a stone chapel was covered with iron. And on the place where the icon was found, the spring appeared. Here every year on July 21, up to 5,000 or more religious people from Tula, Ryazan, Oryol and Lipetsk regions flock to the religious festival Kazanskaya. At 16 km from the town of Ephraim there is a small village called Turten with a beautiful temple on the outskirts. There is a holy spring with a bath behind the church, which is protected by the Kazan icon of the Mother of God. Pilgrims are traveling to the holy spring on foot, and by expensive cars in the village of Turten, not only from Tula, but also from the Orel, Ryazan, Lipetsk, local residents say . All Efremov's bosses send cars here for water. Because the water from the St. Kazan source is curative. They say that to swim in the source means to rid yourself of the cold for at least six months. If you drink this water in the morning on an empty stomach, the ulcers in the stomach are tightened. Children growing on Turten water are practically not sick. Turten women claim that from washing this water the skin gets younger! Once, representatives of the authorities, interested in the source of Turten, went to the houses of local residents and found an interesting fact: most of the village people do not suffer from any illnesses and live long. And all because they take all the water from the spring. The secret of the spring in TURTEN was discovered several years ago: experts found a high content of silver in the spring water. And the locals say that it removes stones from the kidneys. Silver purifies water and disinfects all bacteria. Therefore, it is not only unusually tasty, but also keeps its freshness for a long time. Under the Soviet regime, the feeder was repeatedly tried to fall asleep, but it still made its way through the mountains of land and debris. The same happened with the temple: the local chiefs did not like that pilgrims traveled to Turten all year round, and the church was closed twice (in 1937-1946 and in 1961-1989).
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Tyurten, Efremovsky District, Tula Region
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