
Natural monuments

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Natural monuments
The Spring of St. Euphrosyne in Kolyupanovo фото
The Spring of St. Euphrosyne in Kolyupanovo
The Holy Spring is located 700 m from the village of Kolyupanovo, near Aleksin
The Spring of St. Euphrosyne in Kolyupanovo is located in Aleksinsky District of Tula Region
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Natural monuments
Aleksinsky Bor фото
Aleksinsky Bor
it is located in the territory of Aleksin, in its north-western, on the high right bank of the Oka river
The place of extraordinary beauty is the Aleksinsky Pine Wood. The picturesque Oka River flows nearby; there are impressive karst outcrops in some places. One may meet local representatives of faun...
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Natural monuments
Nizhniy Dubik steppe tract фото
Nizhniy Dubik steppe tract
Nizhniy Dubik Steppe Tract, Bogoroditsky District, Tula Region
Probably, not everyone knows what a tract is! Let us say that this place is different from the general landscape. Indeed, the nature is quite different in a place called "Nizhny Dubik." There are a...
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Natural monuments
Limestone ledge rocks in the Osetr river-valley фото
Limestone ledge rocks in the Osetr river-valley
2 km to the north-west of Venyov Monastery on the right and left slopes of the valley of the Osyotr River, Venyovsky District, Tula Region
Faces of limestone in the Osyotr River valley are a specially protected natural area! Novice climbers are keen on coming here to polish up their skills. Species listed in the Red Book live and grow...
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Natural monuments
Izluchina Tract фото
Izluchina Tract
Venoyvsky District, Tula Region
The Izluchina Tract is amazing and beautiful in itself! The low banks of the Osyotr River suddenly rise to uncover the rocks! What plenty of rare animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Russia...
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Natural monuments
Holy Spring "Twelve Fountains," Venyovsky District фото
Holy Spring "Twelve Fountains," Venyovsky District
Sviridovo-2, Venyovsky District, Tula Region
The Holy Spring of 12 Fountains in the village of Sviridovo, Venyovsky District, gives healing water to all visitors! Every year, there is a festival of folk art and crafts of the same name. At any...
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Natural monuments
Rock "Istinska mountain" фото
Rock "Istinska mountain"
Тульская область, Ефремовский район, д. Ишутино
One of the most beautiful monuments of the beautiful village is the cliff "Ishutinsky mountain", located near the village Ishutino and village Slobodskoye. Its area counts 7 hectares. The Ishutin moun...
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Natural monuments
Vedmino Krasnogoriye (Witch's Red Mountain) фото
Vedmino Krasnogoriye (Witch's Red Mountain)
Krasnogoriye, Plavsky District, Tula Region
Once the village of Krasnogorye was called Vedmino (Witch's Village). Residents of this settlement say that lights are burning at night on the nearby clearing! The ancient megaliths here have man-m...
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Natural monuments
Section of feather grass steppe фото
Section of feather grass steppe
Left Bank of the Кrasivaya Mecha River, Efremov District, Tula Region
Arriving in these places, you will notice the snow-white hills, with some protruding limestone rocks. But this meadow is not white due to snow! The rarest kind of needle grass grows here! By taking...
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Natural monuments
Galochnik Cliff фото
Galochnik Cliff
Zaprudnensky, Efremovsky District, Tula Region
Another protected place of Krasivomechye is a picturesque rock of "Galochnik." What a stunning view of the surrounding area may be seen from the top of this face of rock! Everyone, without exceptio...
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Natural monuments
Krasivomechye фото
Efremovsky District, Tula Region
There can hardly be found a place more picturesque than Krasivomechye in the entire Tula Region and, perhaps, in the entire Central Russian highlands! One should search for the most unequaled views...
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Natural monuments
Tatinki Tract фото
Tatinki Tract
Left Bank of the Don River, Tatinki, Kimovsky District, Tula Region
How quiet it is here, on the tract "Tatinki"! The Don River flows slowly by. The water is transparent in it! Birds sing about the beauty of these places, and the needle grass grazes peacefully. Wha...
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Природа Среднерусской возвышенности чрезвычайно живописна! Часто можно встретить аккуратные овраги и небольшие, но вполне впечатляющие скальные обнажения.

Здесь и бескрайние ковыльные степи, и широколиственные засечные леса сменяют друг друга! Вся природа нашего края хороша!

Но встречаются места наиболее красивые… Да к чему скромничать, места сказочные! Это памятники природы Тульской области!

Непревзойдённые по своей красоте луга, реки, городища и урочища обладают необъяснимой силой, способной даже за четверть часа зарядить любого жителя мегаполиса своей энергетикой. Удивительно!

Попробуйте сами! Проведите время у берегов Дона или Красивой Мечи. Это совершенно бесплатно, но впечатления Ваши будут ценны и останутся на всю жизнь!

Памятники природы Тулы не только красивы, но и хранят на своей территории редчайшие виды растений и животных красной книги.

Относитесь с осторожностью и особым трепетом к этой необычайной природе. Пусть память о ней останется только в Ваших воспоминаниях и на фото.

Нет адресов у этих мест, только координаты. На наших картах Вы с лёгкостью сможете увидеть пути, по которым сможете добраться сюда, чтобы насладиться сказочным отдыхом.

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