
Svyato-Nikolsky temple in Vysotskoe village

St. Nicholas Church is an architectural monument of the second half of the XVIII century. His construction has been begun in 1753 at the initiative of the landowner S. S. Ignatyev addressed to whom the diploma has been received and which has managed to finish only construction of a side-altar in honor of the Reverend Sabbas the Sanctified in 1758. Actually temple in full has been built only in 1793 by his grandson I. B. Ignatyev. In 1938 St. Nicholas Church according to the order of the local Soviet authorities has been closed, commission of a church service in him has stopped. Since then and up to the beginning of the 1990th years the building of the temple was used not directly. In October, 2001 at the initiative of residents of the village of Vysotskoye from blessing of the ruling bishop of the Preosvyashchenny bishop Tula and Belevsky Kirill (Nakonechny) the church community (Arrival) has been created and registered. After long years of desolation the building of the temple was in a critical condition. Active restoration of the temple has begun with fall of 2004, and already in the beginning of 2008 the temple has found the primitive lines. The altar and a belltower, благоукрашен a temple facade have been restored, the interior of the temple has been prepared for consecration. Solemn consecration of all temple and the main side-altar in honor of the prelate Nicholas The Wonderworker has taken place on February 12, 2008 in day of remembrance of Three Universal Prelates. The deputy of the Sacred and Uspensky Novomoskovsk monastery archimandrite of Monasteries (Timokhin) has headed consecration. The first Divine liturgy after 70 years of desolation was made by the archbishop Tula and Belevsky Alexy
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Vysotskoye, Uzlovsky District, Tula Region
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