
Museum of Matrona of Sebino-Moscow

It doesn't matter whether you come here, to Sebino, as a tourist or as a pilgrim, in any case, be sure to visit the Matrona Nikonova Museum. A modest log house preserves the history of the Saint. Many visitors note that they leave this house completely different. And this is not a temple but the Grace of God is felt in the words of the guide, as well as in the museum's exhibits. Here is a notebook with thanks to the old woman.

The Matrona Museum in the Tula Region appeared in 2014. Until that time, the village was impassable. There was not even a normal road here. But everything has changed for the better!

Nowadays, the Matrona Nikonova Museum in Tula Region and the Assumption Church welcome guests with a well-groomed territory, friendly staff, and wonderful views of the surrounding nature.

But why is this place so important for pilgrims who arrive even from opposite parts of the world?

The fact is that here, in 1881, a Saint who was famous for her extraordinary strength was born.

Matronushka was blind from birth but she had the gift of divination. Moreover, during her lifetime, people came to her for help and for healing from diseases.

The Matrona Nikonova Museum is intended to show what life was like at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and, particularly, the life of the Saint herself. Here are her photos and documentary mentions of Matronushka, as well as prophecies about the fate of Russia.

In addition, there is a wonderful monument to the elderess, a holy spring, and a font nearby. The nature is terrific here, and, therefore, all visitors take great pictures.

The Kulikovo Field Federal Museum is in the close vicinity of this place. Thus, it is convenient to include Sebino in the tourist routes known to many tourists who come to our region.

The address is simple: Sebino, Municipal Entity of the Kimovsky District, Tula Region.

Welcome! Please come! The Matrona Museum in Sebino is waiting for you!

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Sebino, Kimovsky District, Tula Region
Режим работы
Mon-Sun 09:00-16:00
1062 отзыва
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Доступно для маломобильных категорий посетителей Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху
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Татьяна 01 December 2020
Это удивительное место!!!! покой, уют и благодать !!!!!! Себино как будто заново родилось в 2014 году. Открытие музея вдохнуло новую жизнь в историю села. Огромная благодарность заведующей музея Тамаре Константиновне Писаревой!!!! Она стояла у истоков создания музея: от идеи до ее воплощения в жизнь и развития. И сейчас она - душа и сердце музея!!!! Огромная благодарность за подвижничество и любовь к родной истории и малой родине!