
Bolotov Dacha Hotel

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Free Wi-Fi
Проживание с животными
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Dvoryaninovo Village, Zaoksky District, Tula Region
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Цена за сутки
от 5500 Р
818 отзывов
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Free Wi-Fi
Проживание с животными
818 отзывов
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Bolotov Dacha is a country hotel in the village of Dvoryaninovo, Tula region, which was opened at the end of year 2016 in the neighborhood of the family estate of the 18th-century scientist, philosopher and agronomist A.T. Bolotov. Rural comfort with urban comfort and culture are combined in this place. This is a new format space for suburban recreation and enlightenment, where in comfortable conditions you can find harmony with nature, get acquainted with the farm life, and learn more about the culture and history of the Tula region, gain new experience, knowledge and skills. Here everything is created for comfortable communication of guests, team, local community, for communication through the centuries - with the cultural heritage of the country and the region. This communication is aimed at diversifying and enriching of a person, sharing knowledge and experience, setting up creative interaction and generating new ideas.
Bolotov.Dacha can accommodate more than 40 guests - the number of rooms includes 5 living rooms in a large guest house, 8 rooms in Scandinavian houses and a hostel for 10 seats. All rooms have comfortable beds, bathrooms with showers and underfloor heating, vintage european furniture. In the big house there is a common living room with a fireplace, a children's room, an open kitchen with a Russian stove and a glazed in veranda with a piano and a projector. At Bolotov.Dacha a variety of master classes in pottery, cheese making, bread baking, carpentry and the mastering of other applied skills is held. Also there are educational events-lectures on culture and art, concerts, film club, creative meetings. The children's room has its own library, specially selected by the Tula children's bookstore «Kornei Ivanovich». Most of the ingredients used in the hotel kitchen are produced by local farmers. The hotel has its own homemade bread, and guests can sometimes take part in the process of baking. On the territory of the hotel there is a store of farm products "Mark and Leo", a contact and dairy farm that produces quality products for the hotel and guests. In winter all guests can rent skis, in the summer - bicycles. There are walking routes to the nearest objects of cultural heritage - A.T. Bolotov museum-estate, as well as Alexander of Cyprus temple in the village of Chentsovo. Within a 20 minute drive by car there is V.D. Polenov museum-estate. Excursion routes are developed to visit nearby farmers, where you can see with your own eyes how the farm is organized, try to milk a cow, taste home products.
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Цена за сутки
от 5500 Р

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