
The estate of the actress of the Moscow Imperial theatre, N. Fedotova

Near Kashira, on the border of Tula and Moscow regions, a kilometer away from the Oka River, in the village of Fedorovka, Yasnogorsk District, there is an old two-story house with a mezzanine, surrounded by a park with linden and larch alleys, with a mirror pond and a garden. This is a former estate of the actress of Moscow Imperial Theatre (now Maly Theatre) Glyceria Nickolaevna Fedotova. The estate complex was built in 1879 by order of Eudochia Andreevna Muravyova, the wife of a general under Paul I. And then the estate was bought as a dacha by Fedotova. Glyceria Fedotova (1846-1925) was a Russian actress, an Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters, the leading actress of the Maly Theater, a People's Artist of the Republic (1924), a Hero of Labor (1924). She shone on the Moscow stage in plays by A.N. Ostrovsky and lots of other performances in the theater repertoire in the second half of the XIX century; she was an idol of the theatrical audiences. Fedotova contributed to the creation of the new Russian theater. The actress came on tour to Tula 13 times. Nowadays Fedorov Secondary School is located in Fedotova’s house. The internal architecture of the house hasn’t changed much. The mezzanine houses the school mini-museum where they carefully store the materials dedicated the to life and work of Glyceria Nickolaevna, collected bit by bit. Yasnogorsk District Museum of Local History and Art in collaboration with the Association of Museum Workers and the Fedorov School since 2013 have been collaborating in the project called “The Little Switzerland of Glyceria Fedotova”, in order to promote the estate as a tourist destination and cultural center, and to attract attention to its history. In May 2013, in Fedorovka, within the project the theatrical festival "Fedotova Spring" was held, organized by amateur theatre and folk groups of Yasnogorsk district.
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20 — 40 ₽
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20 — 40 ₽
Fyodorovka, Yasnogorsky District, Tula Rregion
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