
Confectionery and Gingerbread Museum "Yasnaya Polyana"

In the museum of confectionery and cake bakery of Tula confectionery factory OAO 'Tul'skaya konditerskaya fabrika 'Yasnaya Polyana'", you will learn about the history of the production of Tula cakes. Within the museum exposition you will find answers to many questions, get acquainted with the life of masters cutting cake boards, and follow the development of confectionery in Russia, see how real Tula cakes and other traditional confectionery products are made.
OAO 'Tul'skaya konditerskaya fabrika 'Yasnaya Polyana'" [OJSC "Tula Confectionery Factory "Yasnaya Polyana"] is one of the largest confectionery companies in Russia founded in 1973. It produces famous Tula cakes, "Yasnaya Polyana" candies and many other delicacies. Tula cake is a confectionery product, seemingly simple and common, but it has many secrets and nuances of cooking. Some of them will be shared during the tour, and the most interesting fact is that everyone can try their favorite sweets directly from the conveyor.
In 2003, the "Yasnaya Polyana" factory became part of the Uniconf Holding. In 2004, another important event occurred in the life of the company: the Cake Museum was opened where unique exhibits are presented and historical artifacts are collected.

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460 — 560 ₽
83 Odoevskoye Highway, Tula
Режим работы
Mon-Sat 9:00-16:00
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Татьяна 03 July 2023
Экскурсия по конвейерному производству пряников весом 140: дают попробовать по 1/2 пряника (пряники остывшие, а так рассчитывали на горячие или теплые). Посмотрели как готовят зефир, дали попробовать по 1/2. Вот и вся экскурсия. В музее больше рассказывали про московских кондитеров (видимо, про тульских нечего сказать), дали по 1 конфетке "Ясная поляна" и 1 печеньке. Плюс 1/2 стакана воды. Не интересно. В прилегающем магазине ОЧЕНЬ дорогие сладости. И это при том, что они тут же производятся.
Олег 07 May 2021
Интересная экскурсия, особенно когда дают попробовать горячие пряники. Сделали пряник своими руками на мастер классе.