The permanent exhibition of a private collection of samovars and bouillottes opened on May 24, 2018. The collector had been creating a unique exhibition for 15 years; today it has more than 560 objects of decorative and applied art.
The main part of the collection consists of samovars produced by Tula factories of the second half of the 19th century as well as of English and American bouillottes. In two years the oldest samovar turns 270 years-old in two. The collection includes samovars of various shapes and sizes: for example, samovars to boil water for tea, samovars-kettles and cooking samovars, samovars for coffee, travel and souvenir samovars. Bouillottes for boiling eggs, as well as for making the mulled wine are among the most interesting exhibits. Moreover the collection contains fountains. These are instruments for cooling drinks, trays, sloping bowls, teapots, etc.
Right before the museum opening,the collection was inscribed into the Russian Book of Records as the largest private collection of samovars and bouillottes in Russia . At the same time museum's collection is regularly getting renewed: three new exhibits appeared in it just a month after the record was set.