
Aleksinsky Museum of Local Lore

Aleksin District Local History and Art Museum was founded in 1974. In December 1980 the museum opened its doors to the first visitors. The Museum is located in the historical part of the city, in a three-story mansion that once belonged to the Maslovs, the 1st guild merchants, a monument of architecture of the time of mature classicism. Since 1997 the museum building has been included in the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage of federal importance.
The collections of the museum – include more than 22 thousand objects in its basic, scientific and auxiliary funds. Archaeological, geological, paleontological and numismatic collections are exhibited in the museum. Moreover, the museum has a collection of painting, graphics, sculpture, items of applied and decorative art, items of ethnography and life, memorial collections dedicated to the prominent countrymen Bobischev-Pushkin, Stechkin, Lvov, Shchedrin, general G. P. Korotkov, professor V. Snegireva, the ethnographer S. A. Tokarev, the writer Zoya Voskresenskaya and others. The exhibition of the museum consists of 13 permanent halls and 5 rooms with changing exhibitions.
The exhibition Hall of Nature presents the paleontological history, the geological structure, mineral resources, water resources, flora and fauna of Aleksin district. In the Historic Hall, in the section of the archaeological past of the region, one can see objects of work and life of people who inhabited the territory of Aleksin district in the stone, bronze and iron ages, exhibits representing the life of the ancient Slavic settlements of Vyatichi. A special section is devoted to the history of Aleksin of the XIV-XVII centuries. On the first floor there are exhibitions which show Aleksin as a merchant town of the XVIIIth - early XXth century. There is a Hall of Modern History in the museum, which shows the economic and cultural life of the city during the Soviet period. In the section "Aleksin during the Great Patriotic War" visitors are told about the feats of the residents of Aleksin during the war and events in the city and district in November and December in 1941, when Aleksin was occupied by fascist invaders
The lifestyle of a rich provincial merchant is reflected in the interior of the merchant’s bedroom and living room. The Exhibition Hall displays both the works of local artists, whose life and work are related to Aleksin district, and of the famous modern painters of Tula, Kaluga and Moscow, such as G. Dolendzhashvili, E. Bernstein, V. Konev, Yu. Novikov, V. Shcherbina and others.
Since 2007 the only in Tula region "History of the Post Office Museum " has existed in Aleksin. The exposition, dedicated to the evolution of postal service from the medieval to the modern means of communication, the history of letters, postage stamps, post boxes is presented here. Every year "History of the Post Office Museum" is visited by more than 1500 thousand inhabitants of Aleksin and guests of the city.
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30 — 60 ₽
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Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по зрению Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху
30 — 60 ₽
38 Sovetskaya St., Aleksin, Tula Region
Режим работы
Tue-Fri 10:00-17.00
106 отзывов
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Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по зрению Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху
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Игорь 06 July 2021
Хороший и просторный музей, в здании бывшей купеческой усадьбы. Прекрасные экспозиции, очень много старинных фотографий. Порадовали выставки местных художников и фотографов.
Дмитрий Б 26 March 2020

Узнал много нового о родном городе. Обширная коллекция музея познакомила меня с историей города и известными людьми.