
The State Museum-Reserve Kulikovo Field

The museum on the Kulikovo Field is the pride of Tula and Tula Region. It is one of the Russian museums known worldwide. It is located not far from the place where the great event determined the fate of Russia. The Kulikovo Field Museum is one of the largest among all the world’s museums dedicated to medieval battles. Not only residents of Tula and the neighboring regions come here. Here you can always meet foreigners interested in the history of Russia. Children and adults, scientists and amateurs who visit the area for a couple of hours and decide to explore the entire Kulikovo Field nature reserve: there really are a lot of tourists. The huge internal area of ​​the museum, guest houses in Mokhov, Monastyrshchino and Yepifan can manage the influx of guests. Tourists do not feel constrained and are comfortable exploring the exposition prepared for them by the Kulikovo Field Museum. Besides, anyone can visit iconic objects located nearby.

Visitors can reach the memorial on Red Hill, in the middle of which there is a massive memorial column in honor of Prince Dmitry Donskoy. It was cast about 180 years ago from cast iron by the architect Alexander Bryulov. On Red Hill, visitors will see the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh with green domes. It was erected in 1917 by the famous architect Alexei Shchusev. After a stop at the Kulikovo Field Military History Museum, visitors should see the battlefield, where in 1380 the troops of Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai met in battle. Having passed the battlefield, tourists will reach the memorial in Monastyrshchino at the confluence of the Nepryadva River and Don River. Here you can visit the museum to know about the life of the peoples of the Cossack River. Nearby is a horse yard where you can ride horses.

The State Museum-Reserve Kulikovo Field is a place where serious battle history research transforms into a memorable interactive and multimedia tour for everyone to enjoy, without exception. The halls and thematic areas use advanced technologies to immerse visitors in the atmosphere of the 14th century. The impression of time travel is especially acute in a room with a circular screen, where both sound and videos create such an effect. In the same room, there are archaeological findings that have been able to give scientists the most accurate idea of ​​the true location of the Battle of Kulikovo.

The heart of the exposition is a large interactive model, which shows a timeline of the Massacre on the Don. The landscape, troops and their movements, the headquarters of Mamai and Dmitry Donskoy are clearly displayed inside this pyramid showcase.

The exposition of the Museum and Memorial Complex of the Heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo tells a story of one of the largest medieval battles. Visitors will also learn a lot about the economy of the Golden Horde, the borders of their state, its customs and the lifestyle of its soldiers. The exposition also tells you about the preparation of Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the fateful battle, about Sergius of Radonezh, about the princes who volunteered to help defeat the Mamai Horde. At all stages of the battle, visitors of the Museum-Reserve Kulikovo Field in Tula Region interact with exhibits, games and digital quizzes, models of the 14th century weapons and armor.

The entire museum complex dedicated to the battle against Mamai is intended to preserve the memory and archaeological evidence of the feats of arms of Russian soldiers. The Museum-Reserve Kulikovo Field is located in the middle of a specially protected area. There is a large number of locations that have preserved the nature of the 14th century forest steppe. Their area is not as large as at the time of the Mamai Massacre, because for almost 700 years the local forests were cut down, and feather grass steppes were plowed up. After getting to know the exposition, you may want to go up to the observation deck of the museum complex to see the natural sights.

Special attention should be paid to the children’s part of the museum exposition titled “One is not a warrior in the field” (the Russian saying whose meaning is equal to “Safety in numbers”). By completing quests, discovering mysterious treasures, and following letters of instruction, our young guests will get acquainted with history through game. One can sa that the Kulikovo Field Museum can change how both children and adults typically perceive museums.

The opening hours and ticket prices may vary. Up-to-date information is always available on the official website of Kulikovo Field. You will find the phone numbers and the museum’s website address on our portal. You can reach this legendary place both by car and by bus route Tula – Kimovsk with a change to Kimovsk – Yepifan, or by taxi.

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80 — 250 ₽
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80 — 250 ₽
Tula Region, Kimovsky district, Monastyrshchino village.
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Every day 10:00-19:00
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Дмитрий 22 May 2022
Потрясающее место! Потрясающий музей! Потрясающие люди, которые тут работают! обязательно к посещению! Да, неотъемлемой частью комплекса, дающей полную картину положительных эмоций посетителям, является кафе с отличнейшей кухней, радушными работниками и красивым видом!
Лев 19 October 2021
Музей очень хороший, много интересного, очень красиво. Советую посетить любителям истории. С экскурсоводом намного интереснее. Был там с семьёй, детям тоже очень понравилось
timofey94 23 September 2020

Наконец-то посетили музей "Куликово поле". Приехали в пятницу, народу было немного. Воспользовались услугами экскурсовода потому что какая не была бы продвинутая выставка, вживую послушать очень полезно! Всё очень понравилось: выставка супер, сам музей очень интересный. В общем, приезжайте, Туле есть чем гордиться).