
he temple in honor of icon of Mother of God "Unexpected Joy"

Novomoskovsk is a fairly young city for Tula Region but it has managed to change its name several times!

Before the foundation of the very settlement, there had been lands of Catherine II's illegitimate son, count Bobrinsky.

With the beginning of the establishment of coal production, the first settlement on this site was called Bobriki, and in 1933, the city became Stalinogorsk. It was only in 1961 that it acquired its name Novomoskovsk.

Since the city was built in the Soviet years, churches have not been here for sixty-two years.

But in 1995, the Grace of God touched these places as well!

We are well aware that the Soviet government exerted a negative influence on Orthodoxy in the 20s and 30s. Churches were turned into clubs and granaries. No one could have imagined that in the 90s everything would turn in the other direction. It is interesting that the Church "Unintentional Joy" was opened in a building that had never been used as a Church before. This was a movie theater built in 1977, which was already empty at the time of perestroika.

Orthodox architectural canons have breathed new life into this building!

A spacious quadrangle with an octagon on the second tier and a bell tower with an elegant dome look harmonious and do not remind of the Soviet past at all. Plenty of windows fill the Church "Unintentional Joy" with warm and cozy light. The Church looks monumental and gives the impression that you are looking at the entire cathedral, the walls of which are just asking to be photographed!

The Church "Unintentional Joy" has three side chapels: the first one is dedicated to the same-name Icon of the Mother of God, the second one is dedicated to her Nativity, and the third one is dedicated to the Michael the Archangel.

We urge you to visit this holy place and inhale its grace!

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22 Mira St., Novomoskovsk, Tula Region
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