The Cemetery Church of All Saints in Krapivna existed as early as the 18th century, and an 1807 register listed it as made of timber and already decrepit. Earlier on, the church used to be named after the Saint Martyrs Frol and Lavr.
The Cathedral of All Saints was rebuilt in 1833 and consecrated the same year by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Damaskin. The belfry built together with the church, had three bells with a total mass of 81 Russian poods (approximately 1,326.84 kg). By the mid-19th century, the church’s icons and churchware contained 10 Russian pounds and 2 zolotniks (approximately 4.104 kg) of 84 Zolotnik Russian Silver and 9 Russian pounds and 24 zolotniks (approximately 3.826 kg) of silver of lower-grade silver.