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3 Sovetskaya St., Tula
Как добраться
Office hours
Monday through Sunday 12:00 – 23:00
Average bill
2000 Р
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Dishes cooked in a traditional oven, an interior enhanced with the Tula style, and the place with rich history … We are happy to invite you to Svetsky, a modern Russian cuisine restaurant.

The restaurant is located on the ground floor of a three-storey building and can seat 90 guests. There is a large open kitchen that has a traditional oven: we cook meat dishes and soups and bake fresh bread and pies that taste just like homemade ones.

The Svetsky menu, for which our Chef Yuri Novikov, a student of the famous Chef Andrei Zhdanov, is responsible, includes dishes cooked exclusively according to original home recipes. Yuri uses local products like cheese made from the milk of Anglo-Nubian goats, butter and sour cream made from the milk of Brown Swiss cattle, fish, poultry, meat, and vegetables from regional farmers.

The restaurant windows offer the view to one of the historic streets of the city. The Tula Kremlin, Kazan Embankment and the Museum of Weapons are within walking distance.

Hotel Azimut Tula, which has comfortable rooms on the second and third floors, offers an enjoyable stay both for guests and city residents.

We provide a parking area, while those are challenging to find in the heart of Tula.

Now, after visiting a theater or art gallery, you have a place to gather for any exquisite family occasion and chat over a good meal.

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Average bill
2000 Р

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