
Tulsky Rabochy Armored Train No. 13

All and any passengers arriving and departing at Tula's Moskovsky Railway Station, have been able to visit the Armored Train No. 13 Museum since May 8, 2015. You can examine the armored train not only on the outside, but also from the inside and explore the equipment of the machine that helped the army during the Great Patriotic War.

If you come to Tula by any kind of transport other than railroad, you should write down the address of the Tulsky Rabochy Armored Train No. 13 Museum: Puteyskaya St., 4, premises of the Moskovsky Railway Station. Besides, the military memorial complex includes the Division Base, which is also located at the station.

The name makes it clear by whom and where the Tula Worker was built. It happened in the autumn of 1941, when the panzer army of Heinz “Hurricane” Guderian approached the borders of the City of Craftsmen. The armored train was assembled from what could be found at local factories. Since there was no real armor, 18 mm steel sheets were used. They were fixed in two layers, between which concrete was poured. Armament was also collected from what remained at the city factories.

Since the maximum caliber of the guns of the Armored Train No. 13 in Tula was only 37 mm, the 26th Division of the NKVD troops decided to use it for anti-aircraft defense, which it coped well with. The armored train had acquired the appearance the guests of Tula can see today only by March 2, 1942, after its modernization in Voronezh. Artillery weapons turrets were added, which made it possible to fight enemy tanks.

Today, the Tula armored train is a museum where you can find out what conditions the troopers worked in, how many people were on the crew, what you could do in the armored division’s club car, how the railway bakery worked, what decisions were made at the division headquarters, and much more.

Like the original armored train, its reconstructed version was assembled collectively. Rare and preserved biaxial platforms were sought throughout the region. One came from the Revyakinsky metal rolling plant, the other from the Tulazheldormash plant. Tulamashzavod welded the turrets and models of artillery guns, machine guns were donated by the Tula Arms Factory. All that was done so that people remembered the ingenuity and exploits of the Tula citizens during the Great Patriotic War. Guests wishing to visit the Armored Train Museum in Tula can call 8-902-902-00-95 to specify the opening hours of the memorial and book an excursion.

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80 — 150 ₽
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80 — 150 ₽
4 Puteyskaya St. (in the territory of the Moscow Railway Station), Tula
Режим работы
Wed-Sun 11:00-19:00
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Доступно для маломобильных категорий посетителей Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху
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Семья Колотовкиных 15 March 2024
Выражаем признательность, за проведенную экскурсию Труновым Олегом Евгеньевичем. Человек на столько увлеченный своим делом и умеющий увлеч слушателей, что время экскурсии 1,5 часа пролетели незаметно. Нам даже не хватило бы и 3-х часов если бы была возможность. Настолько знающий и увлеченный рассказом этот человек. Думали скоротать время, а погрузились полностью в историю. Дети 4, 10, 13 лет были просто в восторге. Это самая большая оценка работы экскурсовода, что не было равнодушных, зевающих слушателей. Олег Евгеньевич, огромное Вам спасибо за Вашу работу. Удачи Вам и всего самого доброго
Марина 24 September 2023
К сожалению,  не смогли попасть, т.к. нам сказали,  что экскурсия для 3 человек не проводится, и если наберётся группа,  то возможно через полтора часа. Мы специально приехали,  чтобы зайти внутрь, нам экскурсия была необязательна.  Экскурсия предусмотрена на 1.5 часа, имейте ввиду.
Татьяна 12 March 2021
Очень интересная и познавательная экскурсия. Экскурсоводу спасибо за содержательный рассказ. Была с сыном, ему так же все понравилось. Спасибо!