
Mini-zoo in The Belousov park

Boys and girls! And their parents as well! Would you like to feed a carrot to a donkey with care?

A few people know that having arrived in Tula, tourists have a great opportunity to visit one of the ten largest parks in Europe! No wonder this green island is one of the specially protected natural areas. But nature does nothing without animals?

The Pyotr Petrovich Belousov Central Park of Culture and Recreation provides all guests of our city with the possibility not only to touch 143 hectares of flora but also to see funny representatives of fauna!

Pet's corner in the Belousov Park will introduce the animal world to everyone. Ticket prices are quite friendly and the emotions from the visit will be bright and positive. Here you may learn about the habits of the farm and forest dwellers, what they eat, how they sleep, and where they live. Comprehensive information on the signs will add to your knowledge base. And it is right next to downtown!

After coming to the pet's corner in the Belousov Park and looking at its inhabitants, you may say with confidence that these cuties are very happy here! Every representative of the animal world is treated with reverence here; they are timely fed and washed, and cubicles are selected in such sizes to make the animals comfortable!

The Tula pet's corner is inhabited by both those who wear fur and wool and those who have luxurious feathers! There are more than forty species of birds and animals accommodated here. Peacocks and rabbits, sheep and ducks, roosters and foxes. Children love them so much! All the animals that inhabit the pet's corner in Tula are very sociable and like to take photos with them as a keepsake. Especially when you feed them. Visitors to the pet's corner have every chance to hear the ringing voices and beautiful songs of local dwellers.

If we talk about feeding animals by hand, it is necessary to mention that any bakery products are contraindicated for animals! To give a piece of bread to a duck is the adverse stereotype. Better take grain, vegetables or fruit! They will certainly not refuse such delicacies.

Since the Central Park is quite large, we would like to give you the recommendation to go in the direction of the Upper pond, instead of the address. It is at its shores that the pet's corner in Tula is located.

While walking in the park, be sure to visit the pet's corner and take a lot of bright photos! We are waiting for you!
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80 — 120 ₽
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80 — 120 ₽
P.P. Belousov Central Park of Culture and Recreation, Tula
Режим работы
Every day 10:00-20:00
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Екатерина 02 June 2021
Мы с дочерью очень любим зооуголок в парке! Тут очень много видов птиц, есть даже страусы! По огороженной территории бегают косули, иногда можно услышать пение красивого павлина! Пением это назвать сложно, но он старается)))) Дочь любит разглядывать лис, енотов, козочек и овечек. Все животные выглядят ухоженными, сотрудники уголка постоянно что-то делают - или убирают вольеры, или кормят обитателей.