
Arsenal Swimming Pool

The swimming pool at the Arsenal Stadium is an integral part of the sports complex that bears the same name, and welcomes residents and guests of Tula who are willing to go swimming. We will tell you here what facilities are available to visitors, and provide you with the schedule, the prices, the phone, and location of the pool.

Benefits of the Arsenal swimming pool

Here you can escape the heat, go in for sports, improve your posture, and have a good time in general. This is what the Arsenal swimming pool regulars have been doing for over 40 years.

Frequent exercising improves muscle mass, increases lung capacity, and strengthens the cardiovascular system. If you seek advice of the Arsenal swimming pool coach, you will learn to swim right or improve your skills in water sports.

Advantages of the Arsenal swimming pool

The Arsenal swimming pool is the largest in Tula Region. It is 50 meters long, there are as many as 8 tracks, and its maximum depth reaches 5.8 meters. The pool has a modern water purification system, a heating system, and new tiles in the halls and showers. Judging by the reviews, all this is to the liking of visitors.

Arsenal swimming pool services

Now the Arsenal swimming pool provides the following services:

  • group training sessions for adults - 400 to 600 RUB;
  • individual training sessions - 1200 RUB;
  • group training sessions for children - 320 RUB;
  • individual training sessions for children - 800 RUB;
  • session without coach - 200 to 350 RUB;
  • group sessions in water aerobics - 380 RUB.

Besides, there is a cafe with affordable prices on the ground floor of the Arsenal swimming pool, which, according to regular customers, serves delicious oxygen cocktails. There are individual lockers in changing rooms, lockable shower stalls, and hair dryers.

How to find the Arsenal swimming pool

The swimming pool at the Arsenal Stadium is located not far from the heart of Tula at Prospekt Lenina, 87/4. This means that, after swimming, you can go for some cultural leisure at Tipografiya, visit a restaurant in Likerka Loft, or take a walk in the Central Park of Tula. To find the Arsenal swimming pool, skip the main stadium entrance, then turn to the right from Prospekt Lenina, if moving towards the city center, and go along Ageeva Street. The building is located right at the intersection of Ageeva Street and Nikolaya Rudneva Street, opposite the turn of the tram line route 12.

What should I bring with me to the swimming pool?

Now that we know where the pool is, let's figure out what you should bring with you to visit it:

  • at the first visit, a medical certificate is needed for children younger than 10;
  • shampoo, shower gel and washcloth for the shower;
  • a towel;
  • slates and slippers to protect you from slippery floors and what other visitors could leave on them;
  • swimming trunks or swimsuit;
  • swimming cap.

Arsenal swimming pool schedule

A session lasts 45 minutes. The sessions begin at 7:15; 8:00; 8:45; 9:30; 10:15; 11:00; 11:45; 12:45; 13:30; 14:15; 15:00; 15:45; 16:30; 17:15; 18:00; 18:45; 19:30, and 20:15. Working hours 7:15 to 21:00. For additional services, corporate sessions, prices and other details, please call 8 (4872) 52-77-55. The Arsenal swimming pool is looking forward to welcoming new guests!

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87 Lenina Avenue, Tula
Режим работы
Mon-Fri 07:15-21:00, Sat - Sun 08:00-20:15
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