
Tula Regional Philharmonic named after I.A. Mikhailovsky

The Tula Regional Philharmonia for more than a century has been hosting the best musical bands and artists not only from Russia but also from all over the World! Thus, if you want to spend a cultural night, this wonderful place is ideal for this.

In 1912, the Philharmonia was, actually, a noble club for honorable citizens of the Tula Province. This is where the oldest Tula Drama Theater was located until the early 70s of the 20th century.

Theatre, library and gentlemen's club. The Tula Philharmonia finally appeared only by 1937.

During the war years local artists went closer to the front and gave wonderful concerts to raised morale.

In 1943, a choir, which is currently called the Tula State Choir, was formed here.

1952 was marked by the appearance of the most talented conductor I.A. Mikhailovsky, after whom the Tula Regional Philharmonia is now named! He made this place famous throughout the Soviet Union by giving his all efforts to the Tula State Choir. Thanks to Mikhailovsky, the best artists and bands of the Union, who often came to Tula on tour, drew attention to the Philharmonia stage.

The Tula Philharmonia has become home to many ensembles, some of which have received awards at international festivals and national recognition.

The main white staircase is of interest to visitors of the city. It is often used to make good photos in memory of visiting this place!

As soon as you find yourself in the auditorium, you realize that it is neither big nor small. Here you can see what is happening on the stage from any place and you may feel a cozy atmosphere. There is a balcony, from which you may perfectly see everything!

The acoustics are great and the seats are very comfortable. It will be comfortable anywhere in the auditorium!

The address and phone number are in the "Contacts" tab. You may easily find out prices and buy tickets on the official website of the Philharmonia.

Come to Tula! Visit the wonderful Tula Philharmonia!
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51 Lenin Ave, Tula
Режим работы
Every day 10:00-19:00
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Крошка_енот 14 September 2020
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