
Tula Regional Exotarium

If you do not know another way to amuse your child, we are ready to offer you a great option for family leisure!

Go to the Tula Exotarium in Zarechye! There is hardly a better place in Russia to get in contact with the animal world within the city limits!

Yes, that's true! We are sure of it! Moreover, the price of tickets is very friendly. Employees here work every day, except for the sanitary day on Monday. You won't be able to get here at this time.

Tula Regional Exotarium is the largest collection of cold-blooded wild species in the world!

The usual activity of this place is successfully extended by holding masterclasses with children, feeding exotarium inhabitants during the so-called "yum-yum show," and conduction of lectures.

The rarest animals are gathered here. Moreover, due to the fact that the Tula Exotarium has found the endangered species of long-nosed bush whip snake and contributed to its reproduction, we may now see this little snake in many zoos around the world!The price of a saved species is extremely high for descendants!

The beginning of such a powerful collection was laid in 1987. The exotarium staff quickly established international contacts for the exchange of animals. The laboratory bred rare species of reptiles and amphibians. Employees of the Exotarium regularly go on numerous expeditions around the world to replenish the collection.

In 1989, the Tula Exotarium and Tula received a fascinating object, a monument to a dinosaur, called "Serpentina Yurievna" by the author and "Monument to the Mother-in-Law" by Tula residents. One can meet it right at the entrance to the building.

The Tula Exotarium has a convenient address. You may always stop here on your way from Moscow to the Tula center. The opening hours should be specified in advance by phone but, as typically, the exotarium is open every day until 18:00 except Monday. The maximum entrance fee for adults is as low as 200 rubles.

Tickets are sold off as quick as a barn owl flies!

Who is the barn owl?

Please take a car, a ship, or a plane to visit our exotarium and you will get the answer, as well as much more!

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100 — 200 RUB ₽
в избранное
Доступно для маломобильных категорий посетителей Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по зрению Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху Доступно для посетителей с ментальными нарушениями
100 — 200 RUB ₽
26 Oktyabrskaya St., Tula
Режим работы
Wes-Sun 10:00-20:00
900 отзывов
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Доступно для маломобильных категорий посетителей Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по зрению Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху Доступно для посетителей с ментальными нарушениями
900 отзывов
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Евгений 23 September 2021
Экзотариум небольшой, но очень хороший. Ребенок  и мы остались в полном восторге. Нам повезло, все звери чем то занимались, двигались и т д., а не просто спали в углу. Народу немного даже в выходной день, поэтому посещение проходит очень комфортно.