
Tula Regional Youth Theater

The Tula Theatre of the Young Spectators which is one of the oldest theaters for youth and children in Russia was opened in 1931. On November 8, 1931 the first performance Far Way according to Nikolay Yakovlevich Shestakov’s play was staged at The Tula Theatre of the Young Spectators. In 1936 the theatre moved to the building of the former People’s house on Kominterna Street where it is still situated. The theatre didn’t stop working during the Second World War. From the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, the life of the theater was filled with new content. A significant part of the actors, musicians, directors was included in the concert brigades, whose performances took place in hospitals, conscription points, later on the front and evacuators. Throughout its history The Tula Theatre of the Young Spectators was a kind of "an experimental studio". On the basis of the theater there were training studios of leading theatrical universities under the leadership of the best teachers of the country. Today The Tula Theatre of the Young Spectators is a talented young troupe and new extraordinary performances.
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250 — 400 ₽
2 Kominterna St., Tula
Режим работы
Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00
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