
Monument to Leo Tolstoy

Let us take the liberty of saying that our most revered and famous fellow countryman is Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy! Undoubtedly, the Yasnaya Polyana Federal Museum Estate like nothing else perpetuates his memory. The great writer was born and lived here. He often went to the city both on business and on a visit. The center of the province was located at a sufficient distance from the estate and even today Yasnaya Polyana is not part of the regional capital! But indeed, could it be true that nothing will remind residents of their favorite fellow countryman in the very city of Tula?

Thus, in 1973, Lev Nikolayevich appeared again on the streets of our city 63 years after his death and since then stayed there forever! Black, thoughtful, and rashing, he goes through the years and reminds one of the ancient titans holding the culture of the Russian people on their shoulders!

The monument to Tolstoy in Tula was envisioned as long ago as in 1956 but due to financial difficulties in the Soviet country, the project was postponed until the onset of communism.

The extra funds were found 17 years later and the project was taken from the talented sculptor Buyakin. His creative idea consisted of that the monument to Tolstoy should be without a high base and the writer's feet should be bare. Thus, the artist wanted to show that Lev Nikolayevich was close to the people.

The party leaders expressed the following about the project: "The monument to Tolstoy should be with shoes and on a solid base." It is not appropriate for one of the symbols of the revolution to appear before the working class in a "negligee"! Finally, the monument to L.N.Tolstoy in Tula found shoes, which the writer had hated during his lifetime. Perhaps, someday grateful descendants will take off him the hateful elements of clothing but this has not happened so far!

The monument to Lev Tolstoy is also interesting because the writer is depicted walking. Ironically, there was a distillery on the way. The inquisitive mind of residents of the City of Masters, especially the students, quickly tagged this monument "Tolstoy goes fetch vodka"!

There is a square with a children's playground around this popular tourist attraction. The Likerka Loft public space and Belousov Central Park are within walking distance.

Please come! Your Instagram followers are waiting for pictures from the City of Masters!

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Tolstovsky Square, Lenin Ave. (between the houses 74-76), Tula
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