
Monument to V.V. Veresaev

The Monument to Veresayev in Tula (pictured) is installed at the Northern entrance to the Belousov Central Park of Culture and Recreation.

The writer lived with his family in Tula. His house has been preserved; now, there is a museum named after him. Like Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Vikenty Vikentiyevich Veresayev was a doctor. They often corresponded about their common profession. We may say that he received two degrees, philological and medical. In 1904, the writer participated in the Russian-Japanese war as a military doctor.

It is impossible that the Monument to Veresayev in Tula did not appear because this outstanding man lived in the City of Masters for almost 30 years! Few people know, but his head turned to the side of the house on Gogolevskaya Street. He has been standing with his notebook for more than sixty years.

Immediately after the writer's death in 1945, the idea arose to somehow perpetuate the memory of Veresayev. A competition was held for the best sculpture design, the design was created and work was completed. The monument appeared here only 13 years after the writer's death!

Vikenty Vikentiyevich was interested in literature even before he began to attend Marxist circles. The characters of the writer's works, trying to find their way in life, take the road that Veresayev considered life-giving and saving. He was a realist, not afraid to describe the present state of things at that time. Even Maxim Gorky and Lev Tolstoy expressed their opinions about him in the most positive way!

The medical component of the writer's life is reflected in his work. It is for "Doctor's Notes" in 1901 that he is widely known!

The Monument to Veresayev was opened in Tula in 1958. For Tula citizens, it is a favorite meeting place before the long walk through Central Park.

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In front of the entrance to the P.P.Belousov Central Park, Pervomayskaya St., Tula
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