
Tula Regional Exotarium (new building)

The New Exotarium in Belousovsky Park is a delight multiplied by a burst of bright impressions!

Look at the happy faces of the children who have been here. What a fascination, what an interest in wildlife in those eyes!

If you are not yet looking for the price of tickets and operating hours of this wonderful place, let me tell you something more about it!

It was 1987! The creation of a zoo was planned In Tula. The zoo was built but with no elephants, leopards, or polar bears. The so-called exotarium was opened (from the word "exotic")! At that time, it was under the patronage of the Komsomol Park in Tula.

The New Exotarium could not boast of a large number of its inhabitants at the very beginning of its activity, but it did not last long!

During the first months, the research staff spent such an intense and serious effort and money that this operation regime has been instilled in all employees of the exotarium to this day. In the first year, close international cooperation was established with a number of countries, a laboratory was created to breed cold-blooded representatives of fauna, and many expeditions were organized to exotic countries to search for endangered species.

Finally, about five hundred species of reptiles and amphibians settled down here. The world's largest collection required a new exotarium capable of accommodating all of them. The visitors did begin to notice that the animals were cramped in the old building.

And in 2018, the exotarium in Belousovsky Park was opened!

There was a fairly large Druzhba Cinema in the Soviet era. Since the demand for movies decreased in Tula by the end of the 80s, it was closed. Later, the building hosted the Andrei workout room.

If you have never been to the tropic areas, you may try out their demo version right now in the new exhibition building!

Waterfalls, fish swimming right under your feet, geckos sitting just above your head, and lemurs climbing on lianas are far from showing the full potential of this place.

The Exotarium in Belousovsky Park will introduce you to a variety of lizards, attentive meerkats, cunning snakes, cute raccoons, and dangerous piranhas… It will take very long to list all the inhabitants of this place!

What you should do is simple: get the price of the ticket, working hours, and address, pack your stuff, move towards Tula, and find yourself in the jungle in just a couple of hours!

The New Exotarium in Tula is waiting for you!

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150 — 300 ₽
в избранное
Доступно для маломобильных категорий посетителей Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по зрению Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху Доступно для посетителей с ментальными нарушениями
150 — 300 ₽
13A Pervomayskaya St., Bld. 10, Tula
Режим работы
Tue-Sun 10:00–20:00
2169 отзывов
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Доступно для маломобильных категорий посетителей Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по зрению Доступно для посетителей с инвалидностью по слуху Доступно для посетителей с ментальными нарушениями
2169 отзывов
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Елена 04 April 2021
Удивительное место! Напоминает дикие джунгли! Внутри летают голубки, маленькие игрунки живут совсем без ограждения и не боятся людей. Все животные спокойно занимаются своими делами, видимо привыкли к постоянному вниманию))) Все ухоженные, красивые. Очень впечатлил крокодил! Явно царь местных зверей)) Дети были в восторге и не хотели уходить! Обязательно вернемся и не один раз!