
State institution of culture "the Tula regional universal scientific library"

The Tula Regional Universal Scientific Library was established in 1833. Until 1918, it was called the Tula Province Public Library. In 1919 the Tula library became the central library of the city and received the name of V.I. Lenin. At that time the library was located in the building of Proletcult, where it occupied only one room. In connection with the formation of the Tula region in 1937 the library was transformed into the Tula region library. Until 1977, it occupied a room in Shurdukovsky lane (not far from Metallistov and Mendeleevskaya Street). The main departments, serving readers, were located in the house of K. Marx (now in this building is the Museum of Samovars). Today Tula Regional Universal Scientific Library is the largest library of the Tula region, the center of bibliographic and methodological work in the region, the base in the Russian Federation on automation of library processes, the school of accumulation and dissemination of best practices in the automated control system. In the library everyone can get acquainted with rare old editions, use the traditional and electronic catalogs and get the necessary information on this or that topic. Visitors can get acquainted with the exhibits of the Museum of Book Culture of the Tula region, operating in the library. Everyone can visit the Club of English Lovers, the School of Legal Knowledge, the Music Lounge. The Tula Regional Universal Scientific Library represents three floors of knowledge and cultural recreation, where everyone will find something interesting for themselves.
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Тульская область, г.Тула, ул.Тургеневская, 48.
Режим работы
пн. – пт.: 10:00 – 20:00, сб. – вс.: 10:00 – 18:00, Санитарный день – последняя среда месяца
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