
House of Kraft. TIAM (The Tula Historical and Architectural Museum)

The exhibition venue, which was opened in 2014 by the Tula Historical and Architectural Museum, is designed to occupy its visitors with urban themes, architectural graphics, urban photography, space design, and other interesting social projects. The Kraft House, where the Museum combined a resonance point of architecture and society, has a unique history.

The house of the inventor of chromatic accordion N.I. Beloborodov, the beautiful building of the former Accounting Bank, the Treasury Chamber, where the famous Russian author Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin used to work in 1867, and other buildings found on the main street of Tula and designed to emphasize the status of their owners with their luxurious appearance, are in the neighboring area. Besides, the Kraft House is surrounded by historical buildings of Lenina Avenue.

A pharmacy used to be located here up to the early 20th century. At first it belonged to Konstantin Kraft, then to Fyodor Leiker, then to Roman Beyer and, in the end, to Ferdinand Belyavsky who became its last pharmacist. In the 20th century, the pharmacy was sold to the sausage maker Lechelt, who changed the building exterior. He demolished the mezzanine, decorated the facade with elements of several styles, making a modest pharmacy look like the "gingerbread house" we know today.

The sequence of rooms typical of the enfilade layout is excellent for exhibitions, which the Tula Historical and Architectural Museum uses successfully. Moreover, the Museum uses the former pharmacy courtyard as a creative environment. The moon lights up here at night, stuck in the birch branches, and the cardiac waveform-like silhouette of the city casts a dim light from an old brick wall. The atmosphere those art objects create is conducive to outdoor youth festivals.

Every year, the Cartoon Night is held here. This event is dedicated to the animation independent art groups create. All-night shows of cartoons, workshops, board games, comic cons and good acquaintances are a guarantee of an entertaining night. To find out more about the ticket prices, please call us by phone.

To visit the exhibitions at the Historical and Architectural Museum of Tula, please come at Lenina Avenue, 25. You can find the ticket prices at

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50 — 100 ₽
27 Lenin Ave., Tula
Режим работы
Wed-Sat 10:00-19:00; Sun 11:00-19:00
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