
The Tula Gingerbread Museum

Give an association with the word "pryanik"... Who will be faster?!

"Tula" flashed through the head?

Of course, it did! After all, Tula is the pryanik capital! Therefore, there should be a place for storing the most interesting examples of the products.

Let me introduce it to you! The Tula Pryanik Museum!

What about history, dear friend…

Hundreds of years ago, the great masters of weapons, namely those who were engaged in cutting wood, undertook to approach the domestic issue of the lack of toys from a very unusual side... They started to prepare pryaniks in the form of animals so that children could both eat them deliciously and play with them. Pryaniks were prepared by printing them in special carved boards. Thus, pryanik has become known as "printed."

These boards had the same scroll and patterns as the guns, with which the masters worked at the appointed time!

The recipe for the dough and filling had been passed down from generation to generation from so long that history has not preserved the names of the founders. The price of pryaniks was quite high. The treat was a sign of the family's well-being.

The Tula Pryanik Museum will tell you about how our pryaniks differ from all others in the world. Let us just say that neither ginger nor cinnamon has ever been added to its dough.

Ah, how many dynasties have become famous in the pryanik industry! Belolipetskys, Grechikhins, Serikovs, and Kozlovs… Our master confectioners have always won first place at international exhibitions. Deliveries to various points of the globe did not weaken! The Tula Pryanik Museum will tell you more about their glory.

The exhibition itself opened in 1996 on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the city. The Tula Pryanik Museum is full of artful pryanik boards, luxurious pre-revolutionary boxes, and famous treats presented to emperors, heroes, and other prominent people. The largest and smallest products are also here!

After visiting the Museum, you may visit a pastry shop and take tons of printed pryaniks in all shapes and sizes with you. This is not a joke! Tourists stuff their cars to the brim! Be careful and free up space in the trunk!

The Tula Pryanik Museum is happy to welcome you to the address 45 Oktyabrskaya Str. Working hours: from 9:00 to 17:00. Please do not come on Tuesdays or Mondays because the Museum is closed on these days. Ticket price: 100 rubles but it is better to take a tour. To do this, call in advance.

Please come for photos and pryaniks! We are waiting for you very much!

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100 ₽
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100 ₽
45Б Oktyabrskaya St., Tula
Режим работы
Wed-Sun 09:00-17:00
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Файруза 12 December 2021
Всего два зала, где за стеклом разные виды пряников. Наверное, нужно брать экскурсию.
В общем, рекомендую только магазин при музее. А музей смысла нет посещать — пустая трата времени.
Галина 08 August 2021
Отличная экскурсия! Очень интересно! Узнали много нового о истории пряников и их производстве. После чаепитие с пряниками. Среди экспонатов есть 50-килограммовый пряник.
Nikita 02 July 2021
Разочарование. Билеты можно оплатить только наличными. В магазине при музее хамят оба продавца. пожалел, что приехал.