
Branch of the State Historical Museum (SHM/GIM)

The Historical Museum on Red Square in Moscow is the largest Museum in Russia.

Its funds hold about 5 million exhibits.

These are collections of archeology, numismatics, manuscripts and old printed books, ancient Russian painting, written accounts, cartography, visual accounts, weapons, precious metals, ceramics and glass, metal, fabrics, wood and furniture and book collections.

The branch in Tula is the first and only platform of the Museum beyond the capital.

The branch opened in September 2020 with the exhibition "Relics and Masterpieces of the Historical Museum," dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Museum of National History of Russia, representing the most valuable monuments from all 15 fund collections of the SHM, memorial relics.

In total, the exhibition includes 268 unique exhibits from all the Museum's collections.

Almost every monument is associated with a specific historical event from the third millennium B.C. to the first half of the twentieth century.

These are relics of Russian history and culture, as well as masterpieces of fine and decorative arts.

The first room of the exhibition space of the branch hosts tactile models of key monuments of the Historical Museum, which will allow blind and visually impaired visitors to learn about the establishment of the state.

The museum yard, which is formed by the wings of the building, faces the Kazan Embankment.

This territory is a proportionally reduced Red Square of Moscow, which is opened by the building of the Historical Museum on the Northside and by the Pokrovsky Cathedral on the Southside.

The paved museum yard of the Tula branch presents art objects, images of famous historical buildings.

Their multi-layered transparent silhouettes illuminate the Tula Red Square in the dark.

The Tula branch of the Historical Museum is located in the Museum quarter, at 10 Metallistov Str.

This is the former mansion of the merchant Ivan Mikhailovich Belolipetsky.

The new museum will hold thematic excursions and classes, lectures, concerts, and film shows.

The best historians will conduct subscription programs (including courses in history and social studies at the museum).

The programs will be available to visitors with disabilities.

A museum shop, a cafe will also be opened here and a children's educational center will start working soon.

In addition, by the end of 2020, the Museum will launch a volunteer and internship program for history students.

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200 — 500 ₽
10 Metallistov Str.
Режим работы
Sat-Sun 10:00-19:00
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Николай 23 January 2022
Очень красивый музей снаружи и внутри, вежливый персонал, интересные экспозиции
Алексей 03 June 2021
Потрясающий музей в старинном здании. Познавательные выставки, классные мастер-классы для детей и всей семьи!
Ирина 12 April 2021
Очень красивое здание музея! В музее работают вежливые и доброжелательные сотрудники. Внутри музея всё чисто и аккуратно, а некоторые экспонаты даже можно потрогать! Понравилась и экскурсия, и экспозиция!